5 Ways You Can Pause During Your Period 1. Take the day off work Give yourself permission – you’re worth it! 2. Listen to your body’s alchemy What are you hungry for in life? What do you need to let go of to manifest your deepest desires? 3. Pour love into your food As a way…
Dear soul sister, Pause has become a very important part of my life and shapes the way I relate to my worth as a woman. I previously had a big business career and then became a busy full time mom, and I was constantly trying to prove my worth by what I did. I never took time to pause…

5 Minute Find Your Presence Meditation I invite you to make yourself comfortable, sitting on a cushion on the floor or in a straight back chair – in a position that reflects wakefulness and dignity. If it is comfortable for you, I invite you to gently close your eyes and if not create a low…

Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary Paying Attention to the Now When we become truly curious about the now we can experience every task, every taste, every touch, as if for the very first time. We transform ourselves and therefore transform our relationship with the now. But paying attention is not easy to do. It is so…
It is an ancient custom to honor the four directions. I work with the four directions daily to help me maintain my inner sense of balance. It is a reminder of where I am each day (physically and in the bigger sense of my life!) and the importance of keeping in alignment with my inner truth….

“When we let go of the desire for self–improvement, we can relax with the mind instead of badgering it into well–being. By surrendering the battle with neurotic fixations, paradoxically they start to fall away, or at very least, the space created by dropping the struggle makes them seem less powerful, and loom less large.” Ed…

Guided Meditation: Finding your Inner Light Find a quite place and settle in, perhaps on a cushion on the floor, or a straight back chair. I invite you to gently close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a very dark space. Perhaps you can feel how you are supported by the floor or…

Here at The Woman’s Network we are exploring our inner light… What does our inner light mean to us as women? And how do we find it? Finding our light is not always easy or obvious. Here’s an exercise you can do at home to bring more light and positivity into your life.

Touch the Earth, Reach for the Sky On my ranch in Boulder we have dozens of grass-fed rabbits that are raised for meat and spend most of their life outside. A few weeks ago I sat beside them in the darkness and watched them eat. And as I was watching them, I suddenly started crying,…