About Kenya Brading

Kenya has always been a strong believer in the power of story, and is passionate about telling women's untold stories. There are many hidden stories in our bodies that must be remembered, honored, and released in order for us to live in true alignment with ourselves, with Spirit, and the Earth. Kenya is an advocate for the rebirth of the divine feminine and restoring the harmony of all things. She is a filmmaker, writer, entrepreneur, traveler, and spiritualist. She lives on a ranch in Boulder, Colorado and has been heavily involved with the creation of The Woman's Network.

7 Signs that You Have a Shushed Voice Our voice is an expression of who we are, and yet it is often neglected and overlooked. As young women we receive limiting messages about the value of our voice and what we are capable of in the world. These quiet, unspoken messages become the voices we…

Finding the Key to Myself Most of my life I have had a bad case of eleutherominia: an intense and irresistible desire for freedom. Through much of my young life I longed to travel, to roam free, to escape.  And as I’ve grown older I’ve begun to question – what am I escaping from? And…

Touch the Earth, Reach for the Sky On my ranch in Boulder we have dozens of grass-fed rabbits that are raised for meat and spend most of their life outside. A few weeks ago I sat beside them in the darkness and watched them eat. And as I was watching them, I suddenly started crying,…

Embracing my Inner Warrior There is something deep in my soul that understands what it means to be a warrior. I can hear the drums, I can feel my heart beating, the taste of blood in my mouth like metal. I can feel myself become completely present, the slow wind moving through me and onto…

Learning to Love Intimately In Sanskrit, there are 96 words to describe the word love. In our culture, we tend to throw the word ‘love’ around haphazardly in all different kinds of relationships. What I’ve found is that it is often easy to love, but loving intimately is difficult in the best of times. Intimacy…

Owning Our Back Body I’ve had many conversations over the last few months about our need as women to reconnect with our bodies: to embrace them, radically accept them, and take full ownership of them. I have devoured this knowledge while symbiotically working to become best friends with my body through mindfulness practices, Reiki, and…

Giving Birth to My Full Potential About five months ago, I began having a tremendous amount of pain in my hips and lower back. At the time I was running my own video production company, working non-stop, constantly doing. While I was so grateful that my company was doing well, I felt extremely out of…

Connecting with the Sacred Garden In almost every collection of myths and legends known to man there is a story about a sacred garden, a place of magic where both humans and gods are created. Many creation stories refer to the upper realm, the lower realm, and the middle realm as the garden for mankind…

Learning to Trust My Intuition When I was 7 years old, I moved to the English countryside from North Carolina in the US. My family had lived in North Carolina for two years and I had gone to a Montessori school where we did sun salutations every morning and we learned in a circle on…

Reconnecting With Our Ancestors The word ‘ancestors’ was never mentioned in my family growing up. It was not a part of our vocabulary. I knew of my grandparents, and sometimes heard about my great grandparents, but this was the extent of my limited knowledge about my family lineage. I became interested in ancestry when I…

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