The Power of Bleeding Since becoming part of the Woman’s Network I’ve been striving to embrace the cyclical nature of the moon, the earth and my body. As I write this I am 6 months pregnant with my first child, a feisty baby girl. For the first time in 16 years, I don’t have my…

Remembering Pleasure I read recently that we are 10 times more likely to buy something that promises to decrease our pain versus something that increases pleasure (thank you, Kitty Cavalier). I see this orientation towards pain in my psychotherapy practice. It’s so easy to identify the absence of pain versus the presence of pleasure. For…

Dancing with Shadows “Spring is not the gentlest of seasons. It is as though too much has been waiting to happen; too much suppressed, packed down beneath the earth or pinned above the sky. Green shoots grow sharp and the clouds are unforgiving. Spring can be brutal, breaking open secrets. Dragging into light those things unseen…

Guided Meditation: Integrating the Back Body Here’s a guided mediation you can try to help you integrate your back body. We tend to have a good connection with the front of ourselves. We orient this way, show ourselves to the world this way, towards our face, our appearance, our future. Sitting quietly with your…

Owning Our Back Body I’ve had many conversations over the last few months about our need as women to reconnect with our bodies: to embrace them, radically accept them, and take full ownership of them. I have devoured this knowledge while symbiotically working to become best friends with my body through mindfulness practices, Reiki, and…

How Cancer at 23 Taught Me to Love my Body I was 23 years old. I had recently graduated from college, returned from a life-changing trip to Kenya, moved into my cool apartment in downtown Philly, and settled into my first “real” job. I was lovin’ life and out to change the world. And then,…

Battlefield Yoga How I courageously step out onto the battlefield of my yoga mat each day I’m learning a lot about being truthful right now. At the ripe age of 42 it seems I’m finally getting confident enough to look myself in the mirror and see the truth, after a life time of delusion aimed…

Learning to Love your Bigger Body This past weekend I was in New York gathering with a group of over 300 women remembering how our body is the embodiment of the divine. Not figuratively, literally. In addition to the sun and moon and earth and trees, these limbs with blood and love coursing through them are…

Embodying Spring In this season of bursting, creating, blooming and coming to life- it seems as if everyone and everything around me is ecstatically happy. The birds have resumed their songs, the buds are pregnant with blossoms, and the college girls are already in tank tops and flip flops. Creative endeavors are the Facebook status…

Learning to Trust My Intuition When I was 7 years old, I moved to the English countryside from North Carolina in the US. My family had lived in North Carolina for two years and I had gone to a Montessori school where we did sun salutations every morning and we learned in a circle on…