Battlefield Yoga How I courageously step out onto the battlefield of my yoga mat each day I’m learning a lot about being truthful right now. At the ripe age of 42 it seems I’m finally getting confident enough to look myself in the mirror and see the truth, after a life time of delusion aimed…

Restoring the Feminine Twenty years ago I left my marriage of fourteen years. I was thirty-five years old and having a mid-life soul searching experience. Ending a marriage and the image of the ideal family wasn’t easy for me. Yet I knew it was the right thing to do, or should I say it was…

Hanging up my Cape A while back, I dreamt that I was offered a job as a superhero. It was very sexy. The job title was vague and the costume was shiny, blue and full length. There were knee high boots and of course a long cape that I got to wear as part of the gig. I wasn’t…

Finding Womanhood in Sisterhood If anyone would have asked me the question 10 years ago what womanhood really meant, my answer would have been a long and exhausting listing of all the negative aspects that I saw in women and mostly in myself. I was my best enemy when it came to being feminine. I…

Giving Birth to My Full Potential About five months ago, I began having a tremendous amount of pain in my hips and lower back. At the time I was running my own video production company, working non-stop, constantly doing. While I was so grateful that my company was doing well, I felt extremely out of…

Removing My Walls of Resistance “I’m so ashamed.” “I’m not enough.” “I’m not worthy.” “I’m an idiot.” “I’m useless.” “I’m tired.” “I’m not strong enough.” “What’s the point.” “I’m disgusting.” “Nobody understands me.” These are some of the damaging beliefs many of us hold on to as women: our Wall of Resistance. They are the…

Carrying our Belief Systems Over the past few years, I have spent an incredible amount of time and energy getting to know the deep, dark, juicy parts of myself in an attempt to become more mindful about my life choices. I am of the philosophy ‘No stone unturned’ so I am constantly waking up old…