I used to run from difficult and harsh weather. I loved nothing more than a sunny day with blue skies. I ran away from home when I was five years old because I never knew when the next storm would hit. My family was like its own weather system, full or hurricanes, tornadoes and freak thunderstorms….

Coming out of the Shamanic Closet So what happens when you discover you have more in your closet than just clothing? I am talking about some serious skeletons… the literal kind. Until the age of 30, I was your typical New York City girl. I lived in Brooklyn, I worked in the fashion industry and spent…

Vulnerability and Authenticity Several months ago Kenya Brading from The Woman’s Network asked me to write a blog on authenticity. Immediately I felt honored, and I also received a heaping gulp of humility. At the time I was facilitating a Book Processing Group on Brene Brown’s work Daring Greatly. In her book, Brene articulates how…

Life Begins Outside of Your Comfort Zone Have you ever heard this expression? Have you ever thought of putting it the test? This summer I did exactly that. I jumped outside of my comfort zone and I am here to tell you I had a summer to remember. In April of this year my father and…

Freedom & Alignment We all have different themes for our life stories. A strong theme for me has been freedom: I am attracted to freedom stories, to activists and people who express themselves authentically. And I’m also deeply attracted to real love stories! But what, really, is freedom? In my own life, I’ve found that…

Finding the Key to Myself Most of my life I have had a bad case of eleutherominia: an intense and irresistible desire for freedom. Through much of my young life I longed to travel, to roam free, to escape. And as I’ve grown older I’ve begun to question – what am I escaping from? And…

Committing to Freedom Day by Day I still remember the day I left my corporate job as an international marketer for a large company. As I held a box containing my personal items, I said my last goodbyes to my friends and co-workers, to my office of five years, and even to the job title…

Freedom and Unconditional Love What would we do differently if we were driven by unconditional love? How differently might we serve? What if how people perceived us didn’t matter? What if criticism or praise could be seen as simply feedback? I recently listed my inner critic concerns and afterwards I noticed a trend: lack of love,…

Walking through Shame When I finally found a way to safely emerge from my own shame, I knew I had something powerful to share. Shame was like a heavy coat I wore for most of my life. It allowed me to remain hidden, keeping the unacceptable parts of myself from being seen. It kept me…

Finding my Inner Light My inner light is my soul. The part of me that lives deep within my being. The voice that speaks to me. The part of me that had been locked away for many years. The soul that I was born with that had come into the world shining bright and with…