Guided Meditation: Discover your Inner Warrior There is a warrior inside us, who calls to us to find her, to find ourselves. She carries a fire that lives in our hearts that is with us from the moment we are born to the moment we die. This fire holds secrets about who we are, why we…

Guided Meditation: Integrating the Back Body Here’s a guided mediation you can try to help you integrate your back body. We tend to have a good connection with the front of ourselves. We orient this way, show ourselves to the world this way, towards our face, our appearance, our future. Sitting quietly with your…

Battlefield Yoga How I courageously step out onto the battlefield of my yoga mat each day I’m learning a lot about being truthful right now. At the ripe age of 42 it seems I’m finally getting confident enough to look myself in the mirror and see the truth, after a life time of delusion aimed…

Learning to Love your Bigger Body This past weekend I was in New York gathering with a group of over 300 women remembering how our body is the embodiment of the divine. Not figuratively, literally. In addition to the sun and moon and earth and trees, these limbs with blood and love coursing through them are…

Hanging up my Cape A while back, I dreamt that I was offered a job as a superhero. It was very sexy. The job title was vague and the costume was shiny, blue and full length. There were knee high boots and of course a long cape that I got to wear as part of the gig. I wasn’t…

Guided Meditation: The Divine Mother The divine mother. Who is mother to you? We each have a mother whose womb held us. Regardless of who your biological mother was, rich or poor, strong or weak, whether she was passive or angry…none of this matters right now. All that matters right now is to…

Self Care as the Way to Truly Care for Others I don’t know about you, but for me the word nurturing has not been a huge part of my vocabulary. That is, until I became involved with The Woman’s Network. After listening to Lois’ vision about how we nurture each other by coming together and…

Creating Space For Myself As a little girl I was told never toot my own horn. We were supposed to let others recognize us. This was hard, as I was the middle daughter of five girls. It wasn’t easy to be seen or heard. I did all kinds of things to get attention, some of…