Healing Through Acceptance I am honored to be dedicating today’s post to Audrey Michel’s Rewired Life Blog Tour, where 17 bloggers are passing the baton from one day to the next as we explore what it means to love ourselves, heal our body and mind and celebrate life fully as women. Click here to check…
Dear soul sister, Pause has become a very important part of my life and shapes the way I relate to my worth as a woman. I previously had a big business career and then became a busy full time mom, and I was constantly trying to prove my worth by what I did. I never took time to pause…

Look Up: Mindfulness Exercise See life from a bigger perspective with this simple Mindfulness Practice. The Exercise: “Several times a day, deliberately look up. Take a few minutes to really look at the ceiling in rooms, at the tall buildings, at the tops of trees, at roofs, at hills or mountains, and at the sky. See what new…

Just 3 Breaths: Mindfulness Practice Nurture your presence with this simple Mindfulness Practice by empowering yourself with silence. The Exercise: “As many times a day as you are able, give the mind a short rest. For the duration of three breaths ask the inner voices to be silent. It’s like turning off the inner radio or TV for…

Impatience: Mindfulness Practice Notice your impatience by taking time to make time with this simple Mindfulness Practice. Ever notice that you’re always rushing from one thing to another? Do you get angry when someone is driving slowly in front of you? Are you always trying to get ahead, or fear getting left behind? The Exercise: “Become aware of…

Loving Eyes: Mindfulness Practice Open your heart with this simple Mindfulness Practice. The Exercise: “This week, endeavor to look at things and people with loving eyes. Notice any changes that occur in your eyes, face, body, heart/mind, visual field, and focus when you remember to look with loving eyes.” How to Train a Wild Elephant, by Jan Chozen…

Non-dominant hand: Mindfulness Practice Aquire a beginner’s mind with this week’s Mindfulness Practice! The Exercise: “Use your non-dominant hand for some ordinary tasks each day. These could include brushing your teeth, combing your hair, or eating with the non-dominant hand for at least part of each meal. If you’re up for a big challenge, try using the…

Finding the Present Moment When I was eleven, my teacher moved my desk into the hallway. I was too fidgety and too loud to remain in the classroom. I was an active child. Every day after school, I ran to the diamond to play softball. Then changed in the car to go to swim practice….

5 Minute Find Your Presence Meditation I invite you to make yourself comfortable, sitting on a cushion on the floor or in a straight back chair – in a position that reflects wakefulness and dignity. If it is comfortable for you, I invite you to gently close your eyes and if not create a low…