Connecting with the Sacred Garden
In almost every collection of myths and legends known to man there is a story about a sacred garden, a place of magic where both humans and gods are created. Many creation stories refer to the upper realm, the lower realm, and the middle realm as the garden for mankind (earth). These stories are woven deeply into our humanity and when we are in tune with our bodies, we can discover the sacred garden within. This inner landscape is a place where we can create our own magic and co-create with the divine. And because this sacred garden lives within all of us, it is a place we can collectively share.
In our creation of The Woman’s Network, we began to realize how fundamental the sacred garden was to our mission. By showing women to the sacred garden and supporting them on their journey of self-discovery, we can collectively plant the seeds of change for a brighter future. The sacred garden lives within us and around us, and it is our responsibility to ourselves, mankind, and future generations to nurture it. We are learning each day what it means to be good stewards of this sacred garden, and it often means going against what we know and have been told about starting a business. We are learning how to surrender to the natural way of things, to listen to our intuition, and to open our hearts to receptivity.
Read our blog “Learning to Trust my Intuition”
The other day, Lois and I were in a meeting and feeling ourselves at a road block about how to move forwards with TWN when Naomi Rusk, a TWN Advisor and neighbor of Lois, came into the room. While many people would have told her we were busy and to come back later, we invited her into the conversation. Her words brought us clarity and insight, and our concerns were alleviated. Somehow, the great mystery of life created a path for her to show up for us when we were in need. What a relief to realize that we don’t have to know everything, that our questions will be answered, and our needs will be met.
Co-creating in this way liberates us from masculine modes of individualism and linear structure, and instead invites in feminine modes of connection and flow. If we truly wish to invite the feminine back into our world, we know that the change starts with us.
By reigniting the feminine, we believe that we can find our way home to ourselves and to the sacred garden within us and around us.
Read more articles by Kenya Brading
Photo Credit: Viktor Hanáček