Break-up to Breakthrough After many heartbreaks over many years, I met the man who I considered to be the love of my life and best friend. I truly believed all the heartbreaks in the past had happened to lead me to him. We got engaged and I was on cloud nine. A wedding date was…

Mindfulness by way of a stick shift I recently offered to trade cars with a friend who needed a larger vehicle to move items out of his parents’ house. He would need my SUV for a week and his sleek sedan with tinted windows felt alluring and much more likely to help me feel like…

WHERE DO YOU SIT IN THIS COURTROOM OF LIFE? I begrudgingly sauntered into the courtroom with a herd of others who had been summoned for jury duty. Yes, I am honored and grateful to live in a country with such a judicial system, but I could think of about 873 other things I’d rather be…

Collecting the Pieces “It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten” is a Ghanaian proverb. In other words: look at the past, reclaim the scattered pieces of yourself, and learn from the experience. It’s easy to keep running forward at breakneck speed, but sooner or later, you might come to a…

The Benefits of Speaking Your Truth In order to speak your truth, you have to first know who you are. I believe we are here to drop off our gifts to the world, not to collect anything. However, we can’t know our gifts if we don’t know ourselves. The problem is we aren’t conditioned to know…

5 WAYS TO STAND UP TO YOUR INNER BULLY As women, many of us have adopted a dialect that keeps us small in a variety of ways. Her words influence your emotions, thoughts and then your actions. Although She is with you all the time, you may not be aware of the tone of Her…

7 Signs that You Have a Shushed Voice Our voice is an expression of who we are, and yet it is often neglected and overlooked. As young women we receive limiting messages about the value of our voice and what we are capable of in the world. These quiet, unspoken messages become the voices we…

Healing Through Acceptance I am honored to be dedicating today’s post to Audrey Michel’s Rewired Life Blog Tour, where 17 bloggers are passing the baton from one day to the next as we explore what it means to love ourselves, heal our body and mind and celebrate life fully as women. Click here to check…

Finding my way to Shore A letter to my sisters… The truth has been weighing heavily on me recently and I am left wondering: Why is it so difficult to live from our truth? Perhaps it is based in the judgment, vulnerability, and exposure we might encounter… In my journey I have discovered it takes the…

To Move Forward, Forgive What is Behind I recently went on a road trip by bus with a group of parents. I had just settled down in my seat and organized my belongings, when I was interrupted by an urgent whisper. “Danielle!” I turned to my left to see who was trying to get my…