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Dear Soul Sister,
Pause… Breathe… Notice what’s going on in your body. How are you feeling? What is your body saying? What do you need right now?
When you’re conscious of your breath, you’re conscious of your life. Breath is what grounds us. It gives us life and reminds us that each moment is precious, and that we’re worthy of receiving and enjoying this gift – this ritual of love toward ourselves.
I believe that this simple self-care practice of pausing is not a luxury but a necessity. With one in four women in their 40s and 50s in the United States on anti-depressants, I have to ask myself, Why? I believe it’s because we have been conditioned to give and give and give so much of ourselves to others that we forget who we are and why we’re here. At least, this is what happened to me.
I love the saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, anyone can get you there.” If we truly want to be the author of our own lives, and live our one and only life in the true essence of who we are, we have to learn to pause so we can reconnect with ourselves.
Mindfulness is an amazing way of practicing radical self care. It feels like coming home to yourself. It’s a home that never gets up and leaves. When you take three breaths and reconnect with yourself, you will come back to the conversation you were having, the work you were doing, the experience you were having with your children, and you will feel more alive… more yourself… more at peace with your life.
If you’d like to start a managable mindfulness practice that doesn’t take any extra time in your busy day, you can download Airin, our self-care app for women.
With love,