I Prefer an Unused Uterus When I was very young, I heard someone use the word “bastard” and I asked my aunt what it meant. “Well,” she said, “it’s a word used for a child who is created before the parents are married. Like you, sweetie. You’re a bastard. So is your Aunt Dana. You’re…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, Receiving a yoni steam is one of the more empowering things I’ve done on my healing path. I started seeing a shaman healer here in Boulder, CO a little over 6 months ago and it has totally shifted my perspective on what it means to be a woman. Connecting…

5 Things Women Need to Stop Apologizing For As women, we have been socialized into accepting narrow definitions of what it means to be palatable women in society. The acceptance of these definitions has undermined our authenticity, personal boundaries, and the power of our voice. As a professional life coach, I witness a lot of…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, I don’t know about you but I feel like every day I am being tested… There are so many unexpected things happening in the world and I feel like the lesson I am being asked to learn is to let go of this illusion of control. I’ve spent…

Giving Out Loud As I mark my 50th year on earth this month, I reflect upon a harrowing and rich journey that fuels my passion for impact, particularly around issues facing women and girls. In short, I believe that our deepest passions often spring from our deepest wounds. I discovered this truth early, moved to action…

Tumor Can’t Take my Voice Last week I learned I have a tumor at the base of my skull that is slowly taking over my brain stem. “First, your tongue will go numb. Then you’ll lose your voice,” said my doctor in the same matter-of-fact tone that he might have said, “First your appetizer will…

5 WAYS TO STAND UP TO YOUR INNER BULLY As women, many of us have adopted a dialect that keeps us small in a variety of ways. Her words influence your emotions, thoughts and then your actions. Although She is with you all the time, you may not be aware of the tone of Her…

7 Signs that You Have a Shushed Voice Our voice is an expression of who we are, and yet it is often neglected and overlooked. As young women we receive limiting messages about the value of our voice and what we are capable of in the world. These quiet, unspoken messages become the voices we…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, There’s a part of us that longs to be “good enough”, to prove our worth & get our needs met. This is the part of us that competes… for love, money, beauty, opportunity, happiness, success, freedom, recognition, or whatever else we desire. This is the part of us…

Explore the Too-Good Mother Archetype Exploring our inner self takes courage and tenacity to stay the course. Looking inward is an important tool for creating sustainable change in our life and in our families. Sometimes asking questions can start a whole new wave of truth that we wouldn’t have noticed had we not taken the…