The Art of the Pivot I remember being at basketball practice in middle school and being taught the art of the pivot. One foot firmly planted on the ground, the ball protected on my back hip, I swiveled, my free foot searching for the opening that would let me make the pass. It’s many years…

Red Cords Are Supposed To Break Emptying my closets is a warm-up to letting go of how I want things to be. If things don’t turn out a certain way, then I walk around unhappy. That’s no way to live. Letting go implies loss, but I am not letting go of this life. I’m letting…

Full Moon Wisdom Series: Waking up to our Sacredness Episode 1: Coming Home to our Bodies with Melissa Michaels As women we hold innate feminine wisdom in our bodies that we can ignite in each other through connection and conversation. These hour-long interview sessions with female thought leaders and healers are core teachings from the heart…

Sisterhood Rising It’s happening. Women are coming together and rising!  The U.S. Presidential election sparked a call to action for women to gather in Washington on January 21st, the day after the inauguration. This isn’t an anti Trump protest but rather a first step in a larger movement for women to come together to protect…

We are not Broken This has been a hard time of year for many of us. How about you? The change of season, politic dysfunction, the insane lunar eclipses, I don’t know, life? What’s different for me is how I am treating myself. Quite often, when shit gets hard, I go into a place of shame,…

Sign up for the Podcast Series! Dear Soul Sister,  What an amazing time to be alive and to be a woman! I genuinely see everything as a learning opportunity and the U.S. presidential election allowed us to see just how much trauma we have been carrying as women without a safe space to express it,…

I Prefer an Unused Uterus When I was very young, I heard someone use the word “bastard” and I asked my aunt what it meant. “Well,” she said, “it’s a word used for a child who is created before the parents are married.  Like you, sweetie.  You’re a bastard.  So is your Aunt Dana. You’re…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, Receiving a yoni steam is one of the more empowering things I’ve done on my healing path. I started seeing a shaman healer here in Boulder, CO a little over 6 months ago and it has totally shifted my perspective on what it means to be a woman. Connecting…

5 Things Women Need to Stop Apologizing For As women, we have been socialized into accepting narrow definitions of what it means to be palatable women in society. The acceptance of these definitions has undermined our authenticity, personal boundaries, and the power of our voice. As a professional life coach, I witness a lot of…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, I don’t know about you but I feel like every day I am being tested… There are so many unexpected things happening in the world and I feel like the lesson I am being asked to learn is to let go of this illusion of control. I’ve spent…

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