Uncorked in Italy – Letting Go of Pain Twenty years ago at forty years old, I was in such excruciating back pain that I could hardly walk, sit at a desk, unload the dishwasher or even get out of bed in the morning. After surgery, many visits to various doctors, and growing panic that I would never get…

The Art of the Pivot I remember being at basketball practice in middle school and being taught the art of the pivot. One foot firmly planted on the ground, the ball protected on my back hip, I swiveled, my free foot searching for the opening that would let me make the pass. It’s many years…

Red Cords Are Supposed To Break Emptying my closets is a warm-up to letting go of how I want things to be. If things don’t turn out a certain way, then I walk around unhappy. That’s no way to live. Letting go implies loss, but I am not letting go of this life. I’m letting…

Learning to trust myself by learning to dance After a few years of adventuring overseas, I found myself at home in my parents’ house in my hometown in the midst of a tricky divorce. This is not my beautiful life, I often thought in those first months at home. Between working and being a single…

Becoming Cinderella: Having courage and being kind – in the face of breast cancer I was 27 days shy of my 51st birthday when I heard the words. Well let me rephrase that because I didn’t actually ‘hear’ anything. Instead I saw numerous sets of lips moving and words vibrating from them. However, when I…

Victim or Victor It’s Your Choice I have been married 5 times. That has been one of the hardest statements I have ever had to confess to the public. I am separated from my current husband and it appears that we’re headed for divorce… making this my 5th divorce. There must be something terribly wrong…

Healing from Family Crisis My name is Nicole and I am forty-four years of age, a Gemini and small business owner/operator of Life Flow Yoga. I am married with two beautiful children: Sam – 12 years & Skye – 9. My life is good. I feel grateful for all that I am and all that…

Emerging From The Fear Within My life has been a slow emergence from fear, from darkness, and from despair. Fear of being seen, exposed, vulnerable. Fear that something terrible will happen if I ever revealed myself. I so deeply want to do ‘good’ in this world, to be of service to life. Yet most of…

Waking up from Autopilot with Mindfulness Do you feel like you’re going through life on autopilot, not making conscious choices about your life, as if you are unconscious and not truly there? I was on autopilot without even knowing it. I constantly found myself in a routine which never seemed to stop, and I kept…

Integration The broken, fragmented pieces of our lives can hold us back in unseen ways. They keep us small and quiet and still, paralyzed by our own fear of what will happen next. They live next to our heart like a big secret that we keep even from ourselves, until the secret grows and we…