Uncorked in Italy – Letting Go of Pain Twenty years ago at forty years old, I was in such excruciating back pain that I could hardly walk, sit at a desk, unload the dishwasher or even get out of bed in the morning. After surgery, many visits to various doctors, and growing panic that I would never get…

The Art of the Pivot I remember being at basketball practice in middle school and being taught the art of the pivot. One foot firmly planted on the ground, the ball protected on my back hip, I swiveled, my free foot searching for the opening that would let me make the pass. It’s many years…

Red Cords Are Supposed To Break Emptying my closets is a warm-up to letting go of how I want things to be. If things don’t turn out a certain way, then I walk around unhappy. That’s no way to live. Letting go implies loss, but I am not letting go of this life. I’m letting…

Child v. inner child: Navigating the triggers of parenting It has taken me a while to accept that life is a journey of ups and downs. Mainly because I hate being down. But whilst I would love to feel eternally connected, centred and serene, I have come to appreciate that the triggers that cause the…

Full Moon Wisdom Series: Waking up to our Sacredness Episode 1: Coming Home to our Bodies with Melissa Michaels As women we hold innate feminine wisdom in our bodies that we can ignite in each other through connection and conversation. These hour-long interview sessions with female thought leaders and healers are core teachings from the heart…

We are not Broken This has been a hard time of year for many of us. How about you? The change of season, politic dysfunction, the insane lunar eclipses, I don’t know, life? What’s different for me is how I am treating myself. Quite often, when shit gets hard, I go into a place of shame,…

Love Note to my Body Yes my friends, this is the time of year when we stuff ourselves, drink too much, remember why we moved out of our childhood homes, try not to talk about politics or money, love and enjoy each other. It’s certainly a time to give thanks. To mama earth for nourishing…

Emerging From The Fear Within My life has been a slow emergence from fear, from darkness, and from despair. Fear of being seen, exposed, vulnerable. Fear that something terrible will happen if I ever revealed myself. I so deeply want to do ‘good’ in this world, to be of service to life. Yet most of…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, Receiving a yoni steam is one of the more empowering things I’ve done on my healing path. I started seeing a shaman healer here in Boulder, CO a little over 6 months ago and it has totally shifted my perspective on what it means to be a woman. Connecting…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, Pause… Breathe… Notice what’s going on in your body. How are you feeling? What is your body saying? What do you need right now? When you’re conscious of your breath, you’re conscious of your life. Breath is what grounds us. It gives us life and reminds…