Becoming Cinderella: Having courage and being kind – in the face of breast cancer I was 27 days shy of my 51st birthday when I heard the words. Well let me rephrase that because I didn’t actually ‘hear’ anything. Instead I saw numerous sets of lips moving and words vibrating from them. However, when I…

Full Moon Wisdom Series: Waking up to our Sacredness Episode 1: Coming Home to our Bodies with Melissa Michaels As women we hold innate feminine wisdom in our bodies that we can ignite in each other through connection and conversation. These hour-long interview sessions with female thought leaders and healers are core teachings from the heart…

Victim or Victor It’s Your Choice I have been married 5 times. That has been one of the hardest statements I have ever had to confess to the public. I am separated from my current husband and it appears that we’re headed for divorce… making this my 5th divorce. There must be something terribly wrong…

Healing from Family Crisis My name is Nicole and I am forty-four years of age, a Gemini and small business owner/operator of Life Flow Yoga. I am married with two beautiful children: Sam – 12 years & Skye – 9. My life is good. I feel grateful for all that I am and all that…

Emerging From The Fear Within My life has been a slow emergence from fear, from darkness, and from despair. Fear of being seen, exposed, vulnerable. Fear that something terrible will happen if I ever revealed myself. I so deeply want to do ‘good’ in this world, to be of service to life. Yet most of…

Saying Goodbye to my Mother with No Regrets A few weeks before my mother passed, I went to see her. I’d think about my mother everyday during that time, but I didn’t call or visit her like I thought I should. Earlier this year Mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was also told she…

Integration The broken, fragmented pieces of our lives can hold us back in unseen ways. They keep us small and quiet and still, paralyzed by our own fear of what will happen next. They live next to our heart like a big secret that we keep even from ourselves, until the secret grows and we…

Break-up to Breakthrough After many heartbreaks over many years, I met the man who I considered to be the love of my life and best friend. I truly believed all the heartbreaks in the past had happened to lead me to him. We got engaged and I was on cloud nine. A wedding date was…

Managing in Crazy Times with Mindfulness “I feel a crushing sensation in my chest, like I have difficulty breathing.” These were the words of my client Celine a week after being caught in the stampede leaving the Promenade des Anglais in Nice on July 14th. We were on a Skype call as she poured out the…

Collecting the Pieces “It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten” is a Ghanaian proverb. In other words: look at the past, reclaim the scattered pieces of yourself, and learn from the experience. It’s easy to keep running forward at breakneck speed, but sooner or later, you might come to a…