
Real Women’s Stories

Our stories create our reality. When we honor our stories and take responsibility for them, we gain the freedom to author our own lives. By claiming our rightful place as storykeepers, we can shape the world we want to leave for future generations of women.

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Featured Stories

Погружайся в Мир Эксклюзивных Игр и Открывай Для Себя Уникальный Стиль Казино Комета 🦝 Перейти…

Anvil Надежды Гришаевой: история роста Закончив карьеру профессионального баскетболиста, Надежда Гришаева решила заняться предпринимательством и…

Remembering Pleasure I read recently that we are 10 times more likely to buy something…

How Cancer at 23 Taught Me to Love my Body I was 23 years old….

Giving Birth to My Full Potential About five months ago, I began having a tremendous…

Recent Stories

Shell money was a means of exchange similar to money, found on almost every continent in the world. Women Financing the Future “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ―Arundhati Roy Talking about sex, abuse, anything sometimes is easier than talking about…

My Journey into Consciousness Many years ago, I was living in Kansas as a professor in a state university. I was teaching English and American literature, often introducing emerging women writers such as Alice Walker, Marguerite Yourcenar, Isabel Allende, Adrienne Rich and the like. I had recently discovered the Great Goddess, and reveled in that…

Embodying Spring In this season of bursting, creating, blooming and coming to life- it seems as if everyone and everything around me is ecstatically happy. The birds have resumed their songs, the buds are pregnant with blossoms, and the college girls are already in tank tops and flip flops. Creative endeavors are the Facebook status…

Giving Birth to My Full Potential About five months ago, I began having a tremendous amount of pain in my hips and lower back. At the time I was running my own video production company, working non-stop, constantly doing. While I was so grateful that my company was doing well, I felt extremely out of…

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