
Real Women’s Stories

Our stories create our reality. When we honor our stories and take responsibility for them, we gain the freedom to author our own lives. By claiming our rightful place as storykeepers, we can shape the world we want to leave for future generations of women.

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Featured Stories

Погружайся в Мир Эксклюзивных Игр и Открывай Для Себя Уникальный Стиль Казино Комета 🦝 Перейти…

Anvil Надежды Гришаевой: история роста Закончив карьеру профессионального баскетболиста, Надежда Гришаева решила заняться предпринимательством и…

Remembering Pleasure I read recently that we are 10 times more likely to buy something…

How Cancer at 23 Taught Me to Love my Body I was 23 years old….

Giving Birth to My Full Potential About five months ago, I began having a tremendous…

Recent Stories

Ideal or Idealistic Mother Becoming a mother was monumental. I had waited 8 years for it to happen and when it did, I was certain that as a developmental therapist, I would be able to handle anything. Many well knowing friends had shared horror stories of how challenging parenting was, but I didn’t buy it….

I Prefer an Unused Uterus When I was very young, I heard someone use the word “bastard” and I asked my aunt what it meant. “Well,” she said, “it’s a word used for a child who is created before the parents are married.  Like you, sweetie.  You’re a bastard.  So is your Aunt Dana. You’re…

Saying Goodbye to my Mother with No Regrets A few weeks before my mother passed, I went to see her. I’d think about my mother everyday during that time, but I didn’t call or visit her like I thought I should. Earlier this year Mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was also told she…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, Receiving a yoni steam is one of the more empowering things I’ve done on my healing path. I started seeing a shaman healer here in Boulder, CO a little over 6 months ago and it has totally shifted my perspective on what it means to be a woman. Connecting…

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