About Sukhraj Gipple

Sukhraj Kaur Gipple teaches yoga from a fresh and comprehensive perspective. Sukhraj creates a sacred container for her classes, choreographing to the seasons with music, mantras, and verses from sacred texts, to allow students to feel the healing potential in these ancient traditions. She encourages students to connect to practice through the relationships in their personal life—the proof of a healthy yoga practice is grounded in feeling compassion and love for oneself and for others. Sukhraj is a certified Mah Bound Lotus instructor and teaches Kundalini, SuperHealth, Vinyasa, Hot and Yin Yoga. Sukhraj has an M.A. in Psychology and Counseling, is a Certified Addiction Counselor III, a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist and a Red Cross instructor. Sukhraj is located in Boulder, Colorado.

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