Ideal or Idealistic Mother Becoming a mother was monumental. I had waited 8 years for it to happen and when it did, I was certain that as a developmental therapist, I would be able to handle anything. Many well knowing friends had shared horror stories of how challenging parenting was, but I didn’t buy it….

I Prefer an Unused Uterus When I was very young, I heard someone use the word “bastard” and I asked my aunt what it meant. “Well,” she said, “it’s a word used for a child who is created before the parents are married. Like you, sweetie. You’re a bastard. So is your Aunt Dana. You’re…

Executive Mindfulness: What Do We Have To Lose? When one thinks of mindfulness, the image that typically appears is that of a tie dye clad person with long dreadlocks sitting on a meditation cushion as the aroma of incense permeate the room. However, meditation and mindfulness are not symbiotic…nor are they completely different. Understanding…

Mindfulness by way of a stick shift I recently offered to trade cars with a friend who needed a larger vehicle to move items out of his parents’ house. He would need my SUV for a week and his sleek sedan with tinted windows felt alluring and much more likely to help me feel like…

WHERE DO YOU SIT IN THIS COURTROOM OF LIFE? I begrudgingly sauntered into the courtroom with a herd of others who had been summoned for jury duty. Yes, I am honored and grateful to live in a country with such a judicial system, but I could think of about 873 other things I’d rather be…

WE ALL HAVE A FANNY… I’ve got this woman who lives behind me who constantly shares her negative thoughts and opinions even if I don’t feel like listening. I call her Fanny because she’s a pain in the ass… She shows up unannounced all of the time and is never a welcomed guest. Ever….