Managing in Crazy Times with Mindfulness “I feel a crushing sensation in my chest, like I have difficulty breathing.” These were the words of my client Celine a week after being caught in the stampede leaving the Promenade des Anglais in Nice on July 14th. We were on a Skype call as she poured out the…

Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary Paying Attention to the Now When we become truly curious about the now we can experience every task, every taste, every touch, as if for the very first time. We transform ourselves and therefore transform our relationship with the now. But paying attention is not easy to do. It is so…

Mindfulness, Depression and Inner Strength I woke up to the familiar sinking feeling in my stomach. As if remembering some bad news, my mood started to take a dive. This was the first sign of a nascent depression and my usual response was to run like mad, figuratively speaking. Normally I push myself out of…