
Why is mindfulness so important for women?

“In my classes I have the deepest respect for the mothers who meditate. Just finding 10 minutes for themselves is a huge achievement. When they do establish a mindfulness practice, they feel less rushed and stressed and the whole family benefits. Creating a mindful household is a significant contribution to the world. Do not underestimate the impact of developing your own mindful awareness. It has more of an effect than you could ever imagine.”

Alison Prideaux

Get a taste of Mindfulness

Watch Alison’s webinars and short mindfulness practices

Alison Prideaux's Blog

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About Alison

Alison teaches and runs retreats in France. She has over 3000 hours of mindfulness practice and has trained with Bangor University. She is very enthusiastic about the effectiveness of this simple practice and looks forward to a long and fruitful relationship with you in the TWN community. “This is not just a class, it is a lifelong journey. Let’s take the first imperfect step together!”
