
A Personal Invitation

to remember your sacredness

In this podcast series, Lois Shannon and Kenya Brading share their unique perspectives from their two different generations.

They talk about everything from the patriarchy to presence to pleasure…

and so much more.

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Sign up for the Podcast Series! Dear Soul Sister, I’m an extrovert and have always felt drawn outward. It felt like life happened “out there” and “to me”. I actually feel like many of us have been conditioned with similar beliefs about life happening to us. Some of what I received was that it’s a big…

Dear Soul Sister,

What does it mean to be a woman in the 21st century?

This is a question that has sent me on a wild ride of self-discovery, healing, and systemic change. It has impacted me on a deep a level as well as my family and now an ever-growing community of women.

I’m 54 years old and for most of my life I had absolutely no idea what it meant to be a woman. The messages I received from my mother were that I was to be very afraid of my body, that the world was a scary place for a woman, and that I had better stay small and quiet if I wanted to survive. For so long I felt unworthy and unlovable for simply being who I am.

Then several years ago, the shame that I’d been running from my whole life caught up with me and I spiraled into a suicidal depression. It was being in connection with other women that saved me and helped me transform my limiting beliefs into self love and acceptance.

I feel that we are in an incredible time of systemic change with women stepping back into our wholeness and sacredness. I believe that it is time for us to heal our lineage and stand on the shoulders of the women who came before us. And I believe that healing ourselves individually and as a collective of sisters will help heal the world.

It’s time for us to stop simply surviving and begin thriving… to take responsibility for ourselves in new heart-opening ways… and to remember just how sacred and sovereign we really are.

This is a process and a journey, one that I hope you will embark on with me in this podcast series with my friend and colleague Kenya Brading.

With love,

Lois Sig

All Episodes

Sign up for the Podcast Series! Dear Soul Sister, I’m an extrovert and have always felt drawn outward. It felt like life happened “out there” and “to me”. I actually feel like many of us have been conditioned with similar beliefs about life happening to us. Some of what I received was that it’s a big…

Sign up for the Podcast Series! Dear Gorgeous Soul Sister, I don’t know about you but I feel like 2017 is the year for me to take off the masks I wear and fully be who I am! We are all here with unique gifts, that the world needs, and we can’t find them if we…

Sign up for the Podcast Series Dear Soul Sister, Do you give yourself permission to follow the natural rhythms of your body? Is winter a time when you slow down and really listen to your body’s natural intelligence? I am just beginning to do this at almost 55 years old and it feels like it’s…

Sign up for the Podcast Series! Dear Soul Sister,  What an amazing time to be alive and to be a woman! I genuinely see everything as a learning opportunity and the U.S. presidential election allowed us to see just how much trauma we have been carrying as women without a safe space to express it,…

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